Due to continued adverse weather, regretfully, all performances of A Christmas Carol: The Drone Light Show due to take place at Trent Bridge this weekend have been postponed, including the contingency dates planned for Monday 9 December and Tuesday 10 December.

Ticket holders have been contacted directly by promoters, Yuup, with more information.

Michael Temple, Commercial Director at Trent Bridge, said: "We are as disappointed as the promoters, drone operators and ticket holders that the show can’t go ahead as planned at this stage but we’ve also had a behind the scenes insight into just how seriously our partners have taken their preparations and safety considerations.

"Nobody wanted this outcome and we would all have sat proudly watching an almost unimaginable spectacle had it not been for the arrival of some of the windiest conditions in recent memory colliding perfectly with our schedule.

"We’ve moved quickly to find new dates in the calendar for the drones to return to Trent Bridge and we can’t wait to welcome ticket holders to our unique and wonderful venue."

Further information for ticket holders can also be found by visiting: http://yuup.co/christmas-carol-nottingham

Any specific enquiries should be directed to hello@yuup.co.